Friday, May 31, 2013

Think awhile

Get into the habit of taking a moment to think of your loved ones before having your meals.
Think of who you owe this meal to and have the gratitude to be grateful to him.
If you do that, you will never choke a mouthful of your meal while eating…you’ll rarely miss a meal…some people suffer without food or water for days due to their lack of gratitude.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t attend someone’s wedding.
But in times of sorrow and lament, make it certain you do.
Being present in times happiness is a small thing.
However, being present in times of sorrow is an eternally good deed.

Never permanently work with people who get “set” temporarily for doing stuff.
If you do, you’ll get deserted before long.

In times of your distress, someone can only help you if you honestly talk of your worries.
If you do not open your heart to those who love you, if you live with your heart concealed…
Sorry to say, but you will never receive the aid you greatly need.

Look at the people around you for a moment…
Identify their good habits.
Imitate those habits without hesitation.
Try to develop the quality of being humane.
Learn the good from people, be they friend or foe…

Sorrow is something that loses its thickness with time.
Therefore, never do any exotic treatments to your life with the negative image that sorrow will never fade…
These treatments (suicide attempts for instance) might leave you with deadly wounds.
Try to be tranquil in periods of sorrow…always have a positive outlook…
Prepare for the worst, expect the best…

Clothes are washed repeatedly and finally in pure fresh water.
We never put them back into the dirty water to wash it.
Likewise, during the aftermath of purifying your mind from troubles, never associate unpleasant characters who, like the dirty water will spoil your fresh mind.
A purified mind should always keep company with pure pleasant people.

Trust those who treat you equally, be it in times of happiness or sorrow.
Distance yourself from people who invite you to enjoy a cup of tea in the event of joy and who attempt to flee from you in the event of sorrow.

Be soft to your mind.
It’s very beautiful.
Be kind to those who love you.
Its very pure.
But be deep to your world.
Its very safe that way…

Never ask for anything from someone more than three times.
You won’t get what you expect.
What you do get is something that the person will give in order to be rid of your constant demanding.
If somebody gives you something that you didn’t ask for , you really receive something!
Such things in life matter the most.

Understand people who felt that you were a trouble in your times of need.
These periods of hardship do not only arise in your life.
Such days will dawn in the lives of those people too.
Do not try to help people who are experiencing trouble in their lives if they have refrained from helping you in a similar occasion.
Devote that time to help those who did.

Happiness is an aspect that belongs to your heart.
Sometimes, greater happiness can be experienced on doing a meritorious act than having fun in a carnival.

Understand the things that give you real innocent pleasure.
Never run after things that please other people.
Sometimes the pleasure you seek may not be present in the paths that others have taken.

People who you meet on the road should be left on the road.
Keeping company with everybody you meet on the way will prevent you from reaching your goals in life.

Life has no vacations.
You can’t take a “leave” from life.
If you intend taking a rest from life, the best way to describe you is an old feeble person, who is more ready to give up on life rather than enjoy it.
You got to work for as long as you live…

There’s no use in thinking of the same thing over and over again.
Normally, thoughts in your mind have no wings.
They cannot be created in the world without any action.
Thoughts can be fulfilled by practical action only.
Think for as long as you wish…prepare…plan…
But someday you will have to put your thoughts in actions.

A good man is not someone who respects people more important than himself.
But someone who treats those who are less important with kindness.
It is at them that even the gods look at.

The content you experience in the things you have achieved is good.
But even better is the content you experience in the things you have given.

People who come home at night have a great darkness in their lives.
People who awake late into the day have a big vacuum in their lives.

Seek what you have lost.
There’s no use in going behind people who haven’t achieved what they wanted in life.
People who have achieved a lot in life are the ones who should be approached.
If someone describes you as a person who wastes time, challenge his words the same day. Why??
Because that challenge will make you a far greater person very soon.
Insults that you receive in life will one day create the red carpets in your life.

Never get lost between friends who complain about what they lack or what they possess.
Live near balanced people who talk of both what they have achieved as well as what they have lost.
Life is easier near such people.

Ain’t it always so…?
Think awhile!

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